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Paritosha Kobbe

Ph.D thesis project: Network culture: social integration in Minangkabau communities


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eMail: paritosha.kobbe@ethno.uni-freiburg.de

paritosha kobbe 

  • Since Februar 2013: Ph.D. Student, DFG research group (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288) “Friends, Patrons, Clients. Practice and semantics of friendship and patronage in historical, anthropological and cross-cultural perspectives” at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.
  • 2011 bis 2013: Scientific Trainee at the archive and museum foundation of UEM, Wuppertal
  • 2010: Magister Artium. Thesis: „Kultur zwischen den Konzepten: Die Frage nach ‚Individualismus‘ und ‚Kollektivismus‘ in der Lebenswelt indonesischer Studierender“, Supervisor Prof. Dr. Judith Schlehe.
  • 2008: Four month fieldwork in Yogyakarta (central-Java) and Petungkriono (north-Java).
  • 2006: Attending an international research-cooperation-project between the University of Freiburg and Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Ethnological research about the lifeworld of students in Indonesia in close collaboration with an Indonesian anthropologist.




  • Kobbe, Paritosha (2007): Studentische Lebenswelten in Yogyakarta, Indonesien. In: Judith Schlehe (Hg.), Freiburger Ethnologische Arbeitspapiere Nr.4.
  • Kobbe, Paritosha (2008): The Lifeworld of Students in Yogyakarta. Dunia Kehidupan Mahasiswa di Yogyakarta. In: Judith Schlehe; G. R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang (Hg.): Menuju pendidikan global? Membandingkan Budaya Akademik Indonesia dan Jerman. Towards global education? Indonesian and german academic cultures compared. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius, S. 297–324.
  • Joane Beuker, Paritosha Kobbe, Kristina Neubauer, Christoph Schwab und Siegfried Zöllner (Hg.) (2012): Identität in der Krise. Fragen an Mission und Kirchen in West Papua. Wuppertal: Verlag der VEM.
  • Kobbe, Paritosha (in Druck): Batak. Die Nord-Sumatrasammlung des Völkerkundemuseum Wuppertal. (Deutsch/Indonesisch). Medan: Unimed Press.



Network culture: social integration in Minangkabau communities

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Judith Schlehe
Tutor: Prof. Dr. Gisela Riescher

The aim of the planned research is to identify the variety of forms of social integration and to analyse their impact on culture. This question is explored by an analysis of social networks in Minangkabau communities in the context of cultural revitalization. Social relationships and cooperation in Indonesian communities have usually been explained in terms of kinship or conceptions of mutual assistance, e.g. gotong royong (a Javanese concept of mutual assistance) or arisan (a form of rotating savings and credit association).
Minangkabau society in particular has been explored in categories of kinship with a strong interest in their matrilineal organization. This study aims to give a new perspective on social relationship, taking into account Minangkabau in West Sumatra and the Minangkabau diaspora in Central Java. It will raise the question how cultural concepts of mutual assistance evolve during migration and in different cultural as well as socio-economic circumstances. On one side there is the “traditional” setting of the countryside in West Sumatra, where economy mainly depends on agriculture and small trade. On the other side there is a “modern” setting as represented by the city of Yogyakarta. The focus will be put on well-educated persons from the fields of academia and commerce. This study will raise the question if people within this “modern” setting refer to traditional conceptions of mutual assistance. One aim of the research will be to identify and analyse the cultural ties of social relationships and social networks in Minangkabau communities in different locations and socio-economic positions.
The cultural basis of social integration in Minangkabau communities will be examined by ways of an ethnographic approach encompassing one year of fieldwork on Java and West Sumatra, namely in the cities of Yogyakarta, Padang and Bukittinggi as well as their rural surroundings.

  • Postadresse:

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288
    c/o Historisches Seminar
    Rempartstr. 15 - KG IV
    79085 Freiburg 
  • Besuchsadresse:

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288
    Erbprinzenstraße 13
    79098 Freiburg
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