Ingo Rohrer
Transnational networks of friendship within the punk- and hardcore-scene of Buenos Aires
In my work I'm dealing with the question, how transnational networks of friendship are structured in the field of people which feel part of the globalized punk- and hardcore-scene of Buenos Aires. I want to find out if and how, people who live between the poles of local tradition and a global youth culture, develop specific concepts of friendship and how these ideas affect the constitution and maintenance of transnational cooperation- and friendship-networks.
This all must be seen in the context of the revaluation of family ties and friendship networks, which can be observed in the Argentinian society. Argentina went trough a dramatic economic crisis in 2001, which led to massive social decline especially among the middle class and a general loss of trust in political and economic institutions. The loss of confidence goes along with the revaluation mentioned above, as networking is seen as a good (or sometimes the only) possibility to reach social, political or economic positions, without relying on the governmental or economical institutions. Due to tourism, migration and other forms of global exchange, which all are effected or caused by the crisis, networks are increasingly constructed not only on local but a global level, with the consequence that different concepts of friendship meet.
This also counts for the punk- and hardcore-scene of Buenos Aires, which is, because of it's strong transnational interconnections, it's attitude of social criticism and it's strong valuation of friendship, an interesting example to study. Apart from this consideration, we have to acknowledge, that globalized youth cultures are largely ignored in academic work – despite the importance of such cultures for the political and social formation of young people. This formation is more and more influenced by global aspects, as youth scenes take it as a matter of course to handle with new communication modes and situations and to participate in a vivid global exchange - not only on music, style and trends but also on attitude and values. Especially the concept of friendship, as friendship is the linking element of the punk- and hardcore-scene, is a matter of different interpretation and negotiation.
Therefore I like to find answers to the following questions: How are transnational friendship networks organized in the scene and which influences on the actors can be observed? Which role do those networks play in social, economic and political context? What kind of new forms and concepts of friendship evolve in the space of a globalized scene?
The research will be based on data mainly provided by participant observation and qualitative interviews made in the punk- and hardcore-scene of Buenos Aires.