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Winter Term 2007/08

Event course of lectures "friendship and patronage" (HS 3043, from 05.11.2007 08:15 to 05.11.2007 09:45)
Prof. Dr. Roland Sturm (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft, Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg): "Netzwerke und Netzwerkkultur aus der Perspektive der Policy-Forschung"
Event course of lectures "friendship and patronage" (HS 3043, from 03.12.2007 08:15 to 03.12.2007 09:45)
Prof. Dr. Plamen Georgiev (Fellow at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288): "Corrupt me please". Competitive Patronages in South Eastern Europe
Event course of lectures "friendship and patronage" (HS 3043, from 13.12.2007 08:15 to 13.12.2007 09:45)
Prof. Dr. Alois Hahn (Institut für Soziologie, Universität Trier): "Soziologische Aspekte der Freundschaft"
Event course of lectures "friendship and patronage" (HS 3043, from 14.01.2008 08:15 to 14.01.2008 09:45)
David Konstan, PhD (Department of Classics, Brown-University, Providence RI): "Aristoteles vs. Cicero. Friendship and Patronage in Two Social Systems
Event course of lectures "friendship and patronage" (HS 3043, from 28.01.2008 08:15 to 28.01.2008 09:45)
Dhr Prof. dr. Wim P. Blockmans (OW-Instituut Geschiedenis, Universiteit Leiden): "Partial Modernisation. Patronage in the Burgundian and Habsburg Low Countries (15th-16th Centuries)
Event colloquium (KG IV, ÜR 2, from 13.11.2007 06:15 to 13.11.2007 07:45)
Jan Wolkenhauer (Doctoral Student at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288)
Event colloquium (KG IV, ÜR 2, from 27.11.2007 06:15 to 27.11.2007 07:45)
Laura Polexe (Doctoral Student at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288)
Event colloquium (KG IV, ÜR 2, from 11.12.2007 06:15 to 11.12.2007 07:45)
Doris Danzer (Associated Doctoral Student at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288)
Event colloquium (KG IV, ÜR 2, from 08.01.2008 06:15 to 08.01.2008 07:45)
Nora Mathys (Associated Doctoral Student at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288)
Event colloquium (KG IV, ÜR 2, from 22.01.2008 06:15 to 22.01.2008 07:45)
PD Dr. Jens Ivo Engels (Associated Member of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288)
Event colloquium (KG IV, ÜR 2, from 05.02.2008 06:15 to 05.02.2008 07:45)
Corina Bastian (Associated Doctoral Student at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288)
File download lecture programme
Here you can download the programme of our course of lectures "friendship and patronage" in pdf format
File download colloquium programme
Here you can download the programme of our colloquium in pdf format
  • Postadresse:

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288
    c/o Historisches Seminar
    Rempartstr. 15 - KG IV
    79085 Freiburg 
  • Besuchsadresse:

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1288
    Erbprinzenstraße 13
    79098 Freiburg
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